The challenges businesses face with technology adoption:
Lambda Solution
Driving Results.
Project Management Methodology:
Lambda’s Project Management Methodology is founded upon proven key Project Management Institute (PMI) principles, which are aligned to the Detailed Project Plan. Specifically, our methodology incorporates each of the following PMBOK processes for measuring effectiveness and suitability throughout the engagement:
• Time/Schedule Management
• Communication Management
• Scope Management
• Cost Management
• Human Resource Management
• Quality Management
• Risk and Issue Management
Lambda’s project organization contains appropriately staffed resources and processes to deliver all aspects of the project scope and deliverable requirements in the most efficient and effective manner.
Time/Schedule Management
In the definition stage of the project, our project management team will create a detailed project schedule defining activities, sequencing, dependencies, estimating duration and work effort, and defining project tasks. Once the schedule is approved, project management team would then track progress against the schedule, measure progress and take corrective actions when warranted.
Communication Management
The Lambda Team will work closely with Project sponsors, managers, staff and users to determine and conduct the appropriate project communications. Lambda will follow the communication standards established jointly by client and Lambda for conducting and documenting meetings and status reports. Frequent communication by our Project Manager on the project’s status will ensure that expectations are managed.
Scope Management (Change Control)
To minimize the risk of compromising project budget and milestones, and to help facilitate change control, we will work with the client to establish and document a rigorous change control procedure through the creation of the Scope Management plan created during the project initiation stage. Lambda will work with Client's Project Manager throughout the project to prepare scope changes based on the established procedures.
Cost Management
As part of our methodology, the Lambda’s Project Manager will create a project budget based on delivery schedules, resource loading and project milestones. All work done on the project is tracked against the project budget, variations are evaluated and corrective action taken to ensure that there is no over-run. We have a 100% success rate in delivering on budget projects for all of our customers.
Human Resources Management
Resource planning ensures those critical factors like resource availability, industry and product expertise, and roles and expectations for the project are analyzed prior to starting the project. This is done during the initiation stage of the project. The planning process includes assessing Project Team skills requirements, matching people to required skills, assigning roles and responsibilities and preparing the team members for the project.
Quality Management
Quality review and management process is an integral part of our methodology. The Quality Assurance approach includes reviews of project deliverables and processes at key project milestones and includes reports on status, the quality of the deliverables, any impact to scope or schedule, and provides recommendations for corrective actions. Project quality assurance reviews are also conducted regularly throughout the project.
Risk and Issue Management
We will employ a detailed and comprehensive risk and issue management approach that is tightly integrated into our project methodology. Our risk management approach focuses on being proactive rather than reactive. We will conduct an initial risk assessment during the initiation phase of the project to establish an initial risk register and corresponding mitigation steps and/or contingencies to address risks before they become issues. We will conduct risk management activities on a continuous basis throughout the project to ensure risks are identified and addressed.
Stakeholder Engagement
The engagement of the Client's stakeholders includes risk communication, such as the exchange of information between the decision-makers and the stakeholders about the overall project and its potential risks. We will seek to mitigate risk throughout the project by consistently informing users and project stakeholders of the changes that may occur, and by communicating the project status on a regular basis.
Lambda has adopted a road map for IT project implementation methodology "RMS." This Methodology has been developed based on experiences gathered over several successful IT project deliveries by our founder/CEO and his key team members. The pictorial representation of this method helps clients better understand the roles of each team through the lifecycle of IT. The RMS workflow path coincide throughout from start to finish to measure each phase of the project to ensure successful Implementation.
Lambda Technologies LLC
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